Fine points of introductions(引言的细节)-Why a story?(为何是个故事?)-金字塔原理
Fine points of introductions
As we saw in How to Build a Pyramid Structure, thinking through the introduction is the key step in discovering the ideas that must be presented in a document. By summarizing what the reader already knows, the introduction establishes the relevance of the question to which your document will give him the answer. You can then devote your energies to answering it.
However, actually finding the structure of the introduction can be a relatively complex and time-consuming activity. To this end, you may want a more comprehensive understanding of the theory and nature of initial introductions than was given earlier. You will also want some insight into the nature of the introductory comments needed at each of the key structural points in the body of the document.
Initial introductions
The initial introduction can be thought of as a circle around the top of your pyramid, outside the structure of the ideas you are presenting (Exhibit 10). It always tells the reader a story he already knows, in the sense that it states the Situation within which a Complication developed that raised the Question to which the document is giving the Answer. Why does it always have to be a story, and why one that he already knows?
Why a story?
If you think about it for a moment, you can accept that nobody really wants to read what you’ve written the way he really wants to read a novel that everyone has assured him is both gripping and sexy. He already has a multitude of jumbled and unrelated thoughts in his head, most of which are on other subjects, and all of which are very dear and interesting to him. To push these thoughts aside and concentrate only on the information you present, with no prior conviction of its interest to him, demands real effort. He will be pleased to make that effort only if there is a compelling enticement for him to do so.
Even if he is quite eager to know what your document contains, and convinced of its interest, he must still make the effort to push aside his other thoughts and concentrate on what you’re saying. All of us have had the experience of reading a page and a half of something and suddenly realizing that we haven’t comprehended a word. It’s because we didn’t push aside what was already in our heads.
Consequently, you want to offer the reader a device that will make it easy for him to push his other thoughts aside and concentrate only on what you’re saying. A foolproof device of this sort is the lure of an unfinished story. For example, suppose I say to you:
“Two Irishmen met on a bridge at midnight in a strange city...”
I have your interest actively engaged for the moment, despite whatever else you may have been thinking about before you read the words. I have riveted your mind to a specific time and place, and I can effectively control where it goes by focusing it on what the two Irishmen said or did, releasing it only when I give the punch line.
That’s what you want to do in an introduction. You want to build on the reader’s interest in the subject by telling him a story about it. Every good story has a beginning, a middle, and an end. That is, it establishes a situation, introduces a complication, and offers a resolution. The resolution will always be your major point, since you always write either to resolve a problem or to answer a question already in the reader’s mind.
But the story has also got to be a good story for the reader. If you have any children you know that the best stories in the whole world are ones they already know. Consequently, if you want to tell the reader a really good story, you tell him one he already knows or could reasonably be expected to know if he’s at all well informed.
Psychologically speaking, of course, this approach enables you to tell him things with which you know he will agree, prior to your telling him things with which he may disagree. Easy reading of agreeable points is apt to render him more receptive to your ideas than confused plodding through a morass of detail.