

Concluding (结尾)-金字塔原理


Theoretically, if you write a proper introduction and structure the body of your document to obey the pyramid rules, you should not need a concluding statement.

You have, after all, clearly stated your reader’s question at the beginning, and answered it fully with impeccable logic.

Nevertheless, you may feel a psychological need to end gracefully rather than simply to stop writing.

The tendency to end short memos by saying, "If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to call," no doubt reflects this need.

The obvious, perhaps too obvious, procedure at the end of a longer document is to signal the end by putting a line of asterisks in the middle of the page, which is sometimes called a "sunset."

Example paragraph:

This report has outlined our recommendations for reorganizing the company and spelled out the specific steps each department must take to bring it about.

Rather, you want to find a compelling set of words that not only sums up for the reader what you have been saying but also produces an appropriate emotion in him about it.

At least, that is Aristotle’s advice about what to do in a conclusion.

Historical Example:

"With malice towards none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in—to bind up the nation’s wounds—to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow and his orphan—to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations."

Ending Pragmatism:

If you insist on appending a conclusion, you will want to write something that puts into perspective the significance of your message.

For example:

"If you succeed in launching the system, you will not just have created the means for improved access to scientific and technical information in Europe by users in industry, commerce, the professions, and academia. You will also have created a common market for information, one that makes available the full range of existing sources, not just national collections, to all users."

Next Steps:

Sometimes you will write a very long document that recommends a course of action that you think the reader is likely to take.

For example, suppose you are recommending that the client buy a company, and you think that he is going to do so. After 30 pages of explaining why you think it is a good idea, you assume you have him convinced.

Actions may include:

  • Call the man who owns it and ask him to lunch.

  • 与公司所有者联系并安排午餐。

  • Call the bank to make sure the money for purchase will be available when you need it.

  • 联系银行确保资金能够按需到位。

  • Reconvene the Acquisitions Committee to handle the administrative details.

  • 重新召集收购委员会处理行政细节。