

The substructures within the pyramid(金字塔的子结构)The vertical relationship(垂直结构)-金字塔原理

原文:The substructures within the pyramid

As Chapter 1 explained, a clear piece of writing establishes a rigid set of relationships between its ideas, so that they will form a comprehensive pyramidal structure (see Exhibit 1). It then presents the ideas to the reader, starting at the top and working down each leg.

Because of the specificity of the pyramid rules, if you know what your ideas are before you begin to write, you can relatively easily form them into a proper pyramid. Most people when they sit down to write, however, have only a hazy notion of their ideas (if that). Nor should they expect much more. No one can know precisely what he thinks until he has been forced to symbolize it – either by saying it out loud or by writing it down – and even then the first statement of the idea is likely to be less precise than he can eventually make it.

Consequently, you cannot hope just to sit down and start arranging your ideas into a pyramid. You have to discover them first. But the pyramid dictates a rigid set of substructures that can serve to speed the discovery process. These are:

  • The vertical relationship between points and subpoints.

  • The horizontal relationship within a set of subpoints.

  • The narrative flow of the introduction.

Let me explain the exact nature of these relationships and then, in Chapter 3, tell you how to use them to discover, sort, and arrange your ideas so they will be clear, first to yourself and then to your reader.





  • 观点和子观点之间的垂直关系。

  • 一组子观点内部的水平关系。

  • 引言部分的叙述流程。


原文:The vertical relationship
Some of the most obvious facts in the world take years to work their way into people’s minds. A good example is what happens when you read. Normal prose is written one-dimensionally, in that it presents one sentence after another, more or less vertically down the page. But that vertical follow-on obscures the fact that the ideas occur at various levels of abstraction. Any idea below the main point will always have both a vertical and a horizontal relationship to the other ideas in the document.


原文:The vertical relationship serves marvelously to help capture the reader’s attention. It permits you to set up a question/answer dialogue that will pull him with great interest through your reasoning. Why can we be so sure the reader will be interested? Because he will be forced to respond logically to your ideas.


原文:What you put into each box in the pyramid structure is an idea. I define an idea as a statement that raises a question in the reader’s mind because you are telling him something he does not know. (Since people do not generally read to find out what they already know, it is fair to state that your primary purpose in writing any document will always be to tell people what they do not know.)


原文:Making a statement to a reader that tells him something he does not know will automatically raise a logical question in his mind – for example, Why? or How? or Why do you say that? The writer is now obliged to answer that question horizontally on the line below. In his answer, however, he will still be telling the reader things he does not know, so he will raise further questions that must again be answered on the line below.


原文:The writer will continue to write, raising and answering questions, until he reaches a point at which he judges the reader will have no more logical questions. (The reader will not necessarily agree with the writer’s reasoning when he’s reached this point, but he will have followed it clearly, which is the best any writer can hope for.) The writer is now free to leave the first leg of the pyramid and go back up to the Key Line to answer the original question raised by the point in the top box.



原文:Chesterton says that pigs should be kept as pets, the reader asks Why? Chesterton says, ‘For two reasons: First, they are extremely beautiful, and second, they could be bred to fascinating variations.’


原文:Reader: Since when are pigs beautiful?
Chesterton: They’re beautiful because they’re marvelously fat and they’re typically English.


原文:Reader: What’s beautiful about being fat?
Chesterton: It presents lovely curves to the onlooker and it creates modesty in the possessor.


原文:Now at this point, while you clearly do not agree with Chesterton’s argument, you can at least see what it is. It is clear to you why he says what he says, and there are no more questions in your mind. Consequently, he can move on to the next leg of his argument – that pigs are beautiful because they are typically English.


原文:Reader: Why is typically English beautiful?
Chesterton: Pigs are linked to the land; this link symbolizes that power is not inconsistent with kindness; that attitude is so English and so beautiful that they deserve to be the national symbol.


原文:Again, you may have a certain prejudice against the sentiment, but it is clear to you why he says what he says. And it is clear because the grouping of ideas sticks to doing its job of answering the question raised by the point above. The last section, about variations, enters the mind equally clearly.


原文:You can see this same technique at work in a piece of business writing (Exhibit 3). Here we have the structure of a 20-page memorandum recommending the purchase of an Internet Cafe franchise. It is a good buy for three reasons, and underneath each reason is the answer to the further question raised in the reader's mind by making this point. The reasoning is so clearly stated that the reader is in a position to determine whether he disagrees with the writer’s reasoning, and to raise logical questions concerning it.


原文:To summarize, then, a great value of the pyramid structure is that it forces visual recognition of this vertical relationship on you as you work out your thinking. Any point you make must raise a question in the reader’s mind, which you must answer horizontally on the line below.
