Progress reviews (进度评估)-金字塔原理
Progress reviews
Finally, we come to Progress Reviews. These are usually the formal communications one schedules with the client at the end of each phase of the study, leading up to the final report. After the first one, the structure is always the same.
The first one will say something like this:
S = You people have X problem
S = 你们有 X 问题C = We told you in our Letter of Proposal that we would do Y first to solve it. We have now done Y.
C = 我们在提案书中告诉过您,我们会首先做 Y 来解决这个问题。我们现在已经完成了 Y。Q = What did you find?
Q = 你发现了什么?
Once this presentation has been made, the client will have a particular reaction. Perhaps he will ask you to investigate an anomaly you have uncovered in your work. Or he may approve what you’ve done and tell you to move on to phase two. At the time of your next progress review, then, you might say something like this:
S = In our last progress review we told you that you had a capacity problem
S = 在上一次进度评估中,我们告诉您存在容量问题C = You said you thought this would not be a problem long because you believed your competition was shortly going out of business. You asked us to investigate whether that were the case. We have now completed our investigation.
C = 您表示认为这不会是长期问题,因为您相信您的竞争对手即将破产。您要求我们调查是否确实如此。我们现在已经完成了调查。Q = (What did you find?)
Q = (您发现了什么?)
Or to put it in skeletal form:
S = We told you X
S = 我们告诉过您 XC = You asked us to investigate Y, which we have done
C = 您要求我们调查 Y,我们已经完成了Q = What did you find?
Q = 您发现了什么?
What must be apparent by now from these examples is that the pivot on which your entire document depends is the Question, of which there is always only one to a document.
If you have two, they must be related: ‘Should we enter the market, and if so, how?’ is really ‘How should we enter the market?’ since if the answer to the first question is no, the second question is not dealt with.
如果您有两个问题,它们必须相关:“我们是否应该进入市场?如果是,如何进入?” 实际上是“我们应该如何进入市场?” 因为如果第一个问题的答案是否定的,那么第二个问题就无需处理。
On occasion you will not be able to determine the question easily just by thinking through the introduction. In that case, look at the material you intend to include in the body.
Whenever you have a set of points you want to make, you want to make them because you think the reader should know them. Why should he know them? Only because they answer a question.
Why would that question have arisen? Because of his situation. So that by working backward you can invent a plausible introduction to give your question a logical provenance.