

when to use it?(什么时候用它?)-金字塔原理

This leads me to urge that, on the Key Line level, you try to avoid using a deductive argument, and strive instead always to present your message inductively. Why? Because it is easier on the reader.


Let’s look at what you force the reader to do when you ask him to absorb a deductively organized report. Suppose you wish to tell him that he must change in some way. Your argument would look something like this:


  • You must change

  • Here’s what is going wrong

  • Here’s what is causing it

  • Therefore, here’s what you should do about it

To absorb your reasoning, the reader must first take in and hold the A-B-Cs of what is going wrong. I agree this is not a difficult task, but then you ask him to take the first A of what is going wrong, bring it over and relate it to the second A of what is causing it, and then hold that in his head while you make the same match for the Bs and Cs.


Next, you ask him to repeat the process, this time tying the first A of what is going wrong to the second A of what is causing it, and hauling the whole cartload to hitch to the third A of what to do about it. And the same with the Bs and Cs.


Not only do you make the reader wait a very long time to find out what he should do Monday morning, you also force him to re-enact your entire problem-solving process before he receives his reward.


It is almost as if you’re saying to him, ‘I worked extremely hard to get this answer, and I’m going to make sure you know it.’ How much easier on everybody were you simply to present the same message inductively:


  • You must change

  • How?

  • A, B, C

Here, instead of answering the ‘Why?’ question first and the ‘How?’ question second, you simply reverse the order.


And now, while you may indeed have deductive arguments at the lower levels, still you have answered the reader’s major question directly, with clear fences in your thinking between subject areas, and all information on each subject in one place.


To explain it another way, at the end of the problem-solving process, you will have come up with a set of ideas that can be sorted onto a Recommendation Worksheet like that shown in Exhibit 20.


This permits you to visualize the fact that you have gathered findings that led you to draw conclusions from which you determined recommendations.


In writing to recommend action, you will never give findings that do not lead to conclusions, nor state conclusions that are not based on findings.


For example, sales are off 40% (finding) because our competitor added a new device to his product.


Now, you can present this message deductively, one column at a time:

  • Sales are off 40%

  • They are off because of competitive changes

  • Therefore, I recommend we make similar changes


  • 销量下降了40%

  • 下降是因为竞争发生了变化

  • 因此,我建议我们做出类似改变

Or you can simply turn the whole thing 90 degrees to the left and begin with the recommendation:


We must redesign to regain position. Competition has done so, resulting in a 40% loss of our market share.


The issue here is whether it is better to tell the reader why he should change and then how to go about it, or that he should change and why.


As a rule of thumb, it is always better to present the action before the argument, since that is what the reader cares about, unless you face one of those rare cases in which it is the argument he really cares about.


I can think of only two situations in which the argument might be more important to the reader than the action:


  • If he is going to disagree strongly with your conclusion, so you must prepare him to accept it.

  • If he is incapable of understanding the action without prior explanation (as in a paper on how to do risk analysis), so that you must give him the reasoning that underlies it.

Few of the recipients of business documents fall into either class, however, so that in general you will find yourself wanting to structure the Key Line of your pyramid to form an inductive argument.


Note that I am talking only about the Key Line here, and not about lower levels. Deductive arguments are very easy to absorb if they reach you directly:


  • Birds fly → I am a bird → Therefore, I fly
    鸟会飞 → 我是鸟 → 因此,我会飞

When, however, you must plough through 10 or 12 pages between the first point and the second, and between the second and the third, then they lose their instant clarity.


Consequently, you want to push deductive reasoning as low in the pyramid as possible, to limit intervening information to the minimum.


At the paragraph level, deductive arguments are lovely, and present an easy-to-follow flow. But inductive reasoning is always easier to absorb at higher levels.


To explain it in another way, at the end of the problem-solving process, you will have come up with a set of ideas that can be sorted onto a Recommendation Worksheet like that shown in Exhibit 20.


This permits you to visualize the fact that you have gathered findings that led you to draw conclusions from which you determined recommendations.


In writing to recommend action, you will never give findings that do not lead to conclusions, nor state conclusions that are not based on findings.


The conclusions generally state the problem that the recommendations solve. Consequently, the effect of the recommendation is to solve the problem you concluded was there.


For example, sales are off 40% (finding) because our competitor added a new device to his product.


Now, you can present this message deductively, one column at a time:

  • Sales are off 40%.

  • They are off because of competitive changes.

  • Therefore, I recommend we make similar changes.


  • 销量下降了40%。

  • 原因是竞争的变化。

  • 因此,我建议我们也进行类似的改变。

Or you can simply turn the whole thing 90 degrees to the left and begin with the recommendation:


We must redesign to regain position. Competition has done so, resulting in a 40% loss of our market share.


The issue here is whether it is better to tell the reader why he should change and then how to go about it, or that he should change and why.


As a rule of thumb, it is always better to present the action before the argument, since that is what the reader cares about, unless you face one of those rare cases in which it is the argument he really cares about.


I can think of only two situations in which the argument might be more important to the reader than the action:

  • If he is going to disagree strongly with your conclusion, so you must prepare him to accept it.

  • If he is incapable of understanding the action without prior explanation (as in a paper on how to do risk analysis), so that you must give him the reasoning that underlies it.


  • 如果他可能会强烈反对你的结论,因此你需要为让他接受结论做好铺垫。

  • 如果在没有解释的情况下,他无法理解行动(例如在关于如何进行风险分析的论文中),那么你必须提供支持行动的推理。

Few of the recipients of business documents fall into either class, however, so that in general you will find yourself wanting to structure the Key Line of your pyramid to form an inductive argument.


Note that I am talking only about the Key Line here, and not about lower levels. Deductive arguments are very easy to absorb if they reach you directly:

  • Birds fly → I am a bird → Therefore, I fly


  • 鸟会飞 → 我是鸟 → 因此,我会飞

When, however, you must plough through 10 or 12 pages between the first point and the second, and between the second and the third, then they lose their instant clarity.


Consequently, you want to push deductive reasoning as low in the pyramid as possible, to limit intervening information to the minimum.


At the paragraph level, deductive arguments are lovely, and present an easy-to-follow flow. But inductive reasoning is always easier to absorb at higher levels.
