

How to highlight the structure(如何突出结构)-金字塔原理

How to highlight the structure

Once you have worked out the logic of your pyramid and are ready to begin writing, you want to be sure you arrange your ideas on the page in a way that emphasizes the various divisions of thought. In doing so, you will naturally reflect the hierarchical structure of the pyramid, as shown in Exhibit 23.

You can reflect this hierarchy in a variety of ways, the most common of which are headings, underlined points, decimal numbering, and indented display. Feelings run high about which of these is the ‘best’ formatting device. I myself lean to the use of headings as described below. However, in deference to what are excellent reasons given by proponents of the others, I discuss them as well.

Whichever format you choose, remember that your objective is to make comprehension easier for the reader. This means that the format must be applied properly to reflect the levels of abstraction in your argument. To give the desired appearance without the proper content can cause confusion. To this end, you want to make sure you thoroughly understand the rules before you begin application.


Essentially, the technique is to place signs for increasingly subordinate ideas ever further to the right of the page (Exhibit 24). Thus, major ideas are capped with major section headings at the left-hand margin, divisions of these major ideas are capped with subsection headings, divisions of those with numbered paragraphs, and so on. Of course, the style of headings you choose need not necessarily follow this particular form, but whatever the form, each heading should represent a division of thought.

Because your headings will represent divisions of thought, their use should reflect the relationships between the ideas inherent in the pyramid. To this end, you will want to take care that you:


Exhibit 23

  • Title or Chapter Heading(标题或章节标题)
    Major thought(主要思想)

    • Subsection headings(子标题)

    • Dash points(短划点)

    • Numbered paragraphs(编号段落)

    • Section headings(章节标题)


  1. Never use only one of any element.
    Since the headings indicate levels of abstraction in the pyramid, you can never have only one item at each level. Thus, you can never have only one major section, or one subsection, or one numbered paragraph, or one dash point. Put more plainly, you shouldn’t just stick in a heading because you think it would look good on a page, the way newspapers and magazines do, to break up the printing. A heading is meant to call attention to the fact that the idea it represents is one of a group, all of which are needed to understand the overall thought they support.

  2. Show parallel ideas in parallel form.
    Since all of the ideas in a group are the same kind of idea, you want to emphasize this sameness by using the same grammatical form for the wording of each heading, etc. Consequently, if the first idea in a group of major section headings begins with a verb, all the rest must as well; if the first idea in a group of subsection headings begins with an 'ing' word, so should all the others:

  • Appoint a full-time Chief Executive

    • To coordinate activities

    • To effect improvements

  • Establish clear lines of authority

    • Regrouping hotels by support needs

    • Assigning responsibility for overseas operations

    • Removing Boards from the chain of command

As you can see, because the subsection headings in the first group begin with the word 'To' does not necessarily mean that those in the second group must do so as well. Remember that there are invisible fences imposed between the ideas in each major section. Thus, the parallelism to be emphasized is between ideas in the subsection group, not between groups of subsections.

  1. Limit the wording to the essence of the thought.
    The headings are meant to remind, not to dominate. Thus, you want to make them as concise as possible. You would not want, for example, to make the first major section heading above read 'Appoint a full-time Chief Executive to provide clear central authority.'

  2. Don’t regard headings as part of text.
    Headings are for the eye more than they are for the mind. As a result, they are not often read carefully, and you cannot depend on them to carry your message. Accordingly, you need to make sure that your opening sentence under a heading indicates that you are turning to a new topic. In fact, your entire document should be able to be read as a smooth-flowing piece without the headings. By the same token, you should never use the headings as part of the text.

For example:

Appoint a full-time Chief Executive
This action will go far toward clarifying the day-to-day responsibilities of ...

This rule, of course, does not apply to numbered paragraphs, which are meant to be read as part of the text.

5. Introduce each group of headings.
5. 为每组标题添加介绍
In doing so, you want to state the major point that the grouping will explain or defend, as well as the ideas to come. To omit this service is to present the reader with a mystery story, since he will then not be able to judge what the point is you are trying to make in that section until he gets to the end – and by then he may well have forgotten the beginning.

Exhibit 24 Examples of Headings
图表24 标题示例

1. 这是章节标题

Chapter headings are numbered and centered, and should be worded to reflect the major thought to be developed in the chapter. The paragraphs immediately following a chapter heading (or title) should express the major idea clearly, as well as supply whatever other information the reader requires to ensure that you and he are ‘standing in the same place’ before you make your point and tell him how you plan to develop it. Subsequent chapter headings should be written in parallel style.

The major divisions of thought you plan to have may be set out with paragraph points or some other distinguishing mark:

  • First major thought to come.

  • 第二主要思想的内容。


The wording of section headings should also reflect the idea to be developed in the section to follow, and the wording of the first should parallel that of the others. A section can be further divided either into subsections or, if the points are short, into numbered paragraphs. The principal ideas of the subsections should be introduced and may be set off with paragraph points:

  • First subthought to come.

  • 第二子思想的内容。

This is a Subsection Heading

These, too, should be worded to reflect the principal thoughts they cover, and expressed in parallel style. If you wish further to divide the thought in a subsection, you can use numbered paragraphs.

1. This is a numbered paragraph.
1. 这是一个编号段落。
The first sentence or opening phrase can be underlined to highlight the similarity of the points being numbered. The point to be made may require more than one paragraph, but you should try to limit the development of the point to three paragraphs.

  • This is a dash-point paragraph, which is used to divide the thought in a numbered paragraph

  • You seldom break an idea down as far as dash-points but when you do it looks like this.

6. Don’t overdo.
6. 不要过度使用标题。

This is perhaps the most important rule of all. You want to use headings only if they are going to clarify your meaning – if they are going to make it easier for the reader to keep the subdivisions of your thought in his head. Often it is not necessary or useful to have any divisions below the major section headings.

If you formulate your headings properly, they will stand in the table of contents as a precis of your report – another extremely useful device for the reader in trying to come to terms with your thinking.