

Indented display(缩进显示)-金字塔原理

Indented display

Sometimes your document will be so short that neither headings nor decimal numbering would be appropriate to highlight the divisions of your thinking. Nevertheless, you will still be dealing with groupings of ideas, and you will want to highlight them in some way.

Groups of points supporting or explaining an overall idea are always easier for the reader to absorb if they are set off so as to be easily distinguishable as a group. Consider, for example, the two versions of the memorandum shown in Exhibit 27.

Exhibit 27-A

I have scheduled a Creative Thinking session with Frank Griffith and the industrial engineers for the second week of September, and for Al Beam and his staff for the third week of September.
我已安排了与Frank Griffith及工业工程师的创造性思维会议,时间为9月第二周;与Al Beam及其团队的会议时间为9月第三周。

I think we need just a few slides to supplement the introduction, which is attached with suggested slide concepts.

We also need slides of the Specific Examples of Positive Reinforcement language. These slides would be used as a wrap-up at the end of the presentation. This language should also be in printed form to be used as a handout.

Slides showing the results of innovation we have had, such as the slides that you made of the musical instruments, would be quite valuable for the Frank Griffith meeting for the second week, and they would be essential for the Al Beam meeting set for the third week of September.
展示我们创新成果的幻灯片,例如您制作的乐器相关幻灯片,将对9月第二周的Frank Griffith会议非常有价值,对9月第三周的Al Beam会议则至关重要。

We have purchased the film ‘Why Man Creates’ to be used as part of the introduction of the programme.
我们已购买了《Why Man Creates》电影,作为计划介绍的一部分使用。

Slides are also needed for the section on Innovation Environment Chart Traits.

Exhibit 27-B

I have scheduled a Creative Thinking session with Frank Griffith and the industrial engineers for the second week of September, and for Al Beam and his staff for the third week of September. For both these meetings I will need slides showing:
我已安排了与Frank Griffith及工业工程师的创造性思维会议,时间为9月第二周;与Al Beam及其团队的会议时间为9月第三周。以下是这两个会议所需的幻灯片内容:

  1. The major points made in the introduction.
    Suggested concepts are attached.

  2. Specific examples of positive reinforcement language.
    These slides would be used as a wrap-up at the end of the presentation. This language should also be in printed form to be used as a handout.

  3. The results of innovation we have had.
    Such as the slides that you made of the musical instruments. These would be quite valuable for the Frank Griffith meeting but essential for the Al Beam meeting.
    例如您制作的乐器相关幻灯片。这些对Frank Griffith会议非常有价值,对Al Beam会议则至关重要。

  4. The steps needed to create an environment for innovation.
    All of these devices serve as visual aids to the reader.

Key rules for indented display

  • In general, the major rule to remember when you set your ideas off in this way is that you want to be sure to express them in the same grammatical form.

  • Whether the memorandum is long or short, the visual arrangement of groups of ideas to set off their similarity to each other as ideas will always make them easier to comprehend.