

Logic in Thinking(思维中的逻辑)-金字塔原理

As you try to apply The Pyramid Principle to a specific writing task,

You should on most occasions, with a bit of practice, have little difficulty in creating an overall structure for your thinking. You can generally identify your Subject without much effort, determine the reader’s Question, think through the Situation and the Complication, and proceed with a listing of your major points. With your title and major side headings decided, you can then settle to the serious business of putting it all into writing.

But no matter how carefully you have done your thinking in coming up with this initial structure,

You are unlikely to produce a first draft that is perfectly logical and obeys all the rules. Points that seem to group logically in pyramid form often prove to have only a tenuous connection when clothed in prose. And watertight arguments have been known to spring gaping holes when you try to marshal valid support.

Unfortunately, you are unlikely to be able to see these flaws without making a special effort to do so.

Once you put ideas in writing, they take on an incredible beauty in the author’s eyes. They seem to glow with a fine patina that you will be quite reluctant to disturb.

The most efficient way to overcome this psychological impediment is to have a checklist of rules you apply to every grouping in the structure,

So that you are forced to look at it critically. In this way your parental pride is backed into abeyance, and you can be objective about what you see. (This approach applies equally effectively, of course, to reading someone else’s draft.)

There are essentially four sets of such rules available to help you focus your critical faculties:

  1. You can question the general order of the ideas in a grouping.

  2. You can question their particular source in your problem-solving process.

  3. You can question your summary statement about them.

  4. You can question the prose in which you express them.

The following chapters explain the theory and practice behind each of these techniques.

In reading this material, it may strike you that some parts are both more technical and more abstract than you are used to from the earlier chapters.

Alas, there seems to be no other way to explain the concepts clearly than to outline the theory behind them first.

However, proper application of the concepts is so essential to clear writing that I’m sure you will find the extra effort required to understand the theory well worthwhile.