Structural order结构顺序First, what exactly is structural order? It is the order that reflects what you see once you have visualized something either by diagram or map, by drawing or p...
Time order时间顺序Time order is the simplest order of all to understand, and the most pervasive in business writing. What you are doing in a time-ordered grouping is spelling out the s...
Questioning the order of a grouping质疑分组顺序You know that ideas in any grouping must be placed in logical order. In deductive groupings, of course, that is no problem, since logical o...
As you try to apply The Pyramid Principle to a specific writing task,当你尝试将金字塔原理应用于具体的写作任务时,You should on most occasions, with a bit of practice, have little difficulty in creating...
Indented display缩进显示Sometimes your document will be so short that neither headings nor decimal numbering would be appropriate to highlight the divisions of your thinking. Neverthel...
Decimal numbering小数编号法Many companies, and most government institutions, like to use numbers rather than headings to emphasize the subdivisions of a document, and some go so far as...
Underlined points下划线重点Another popular approach is literally to show the hierarchy of ideas by underlining the entire statement of the support points below the Key Line level (Exhib...
How to highlight the structure如何突出结构Once you have worked out the logic of your pyramid and are ready to begin writing, you want to be sure you arrange your ideas on the page in a w...
How it differsI’m sure you can see now how very different deduction and induction are, and how easily you can tell the difference. Remember, if you are thinking deductively, your s...
Inductive reasoning is much more difficult to do well than is deductive reasoning, since it is a more creative activity. In inductive reasoning, the mind notices that several diffe...